GPR Scanning
Before starting a construction project, it's important to ascertain what is contained within the concrete structure to ensure critical items embedded within the concrete remain undisturbed.
GPR Scanning, also known as Slab Scanning, refers to the use of Ground Penetrating Radar equipment that sends electromagnetic waves into the material being scanned in order to identify reinforcement, PT ducts and services.
The results are recorded on the surface and are used to generate a detailed report for analysis and assessment, to determine where penetrations are able to be made safely.
The portability of modern GPR scanning equipment allows for a large amount of data to be recorded in a short period of time, thereby producing enormous savings in construction, engineering and maintenance costs by preventing the unwanted or unexpected disturbance or damage to identified items embedded within the scanned surface.
Service Locating
Service Locating is the process of detecting & marking the location of underground utility services such as water & gas lines, pipes, electrical cables & telecommunication lines that provide phone & internet services.
Service Locating is a 2-step process, using both GPR & Radio (Electromagnetic Induction) detection. Our aim is to identify the type and location of utility services in order to prevent damage to them as well as protect workers on the job site. Knowing the location of electrical conduits is essential for minimising safety risks, power outages and expensive damages.